Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Biblical Studies Carnival III

Rick Brannan has done a great job in collecting together what’s been going on in biblioblogdom in the last month. Rick also kindly mentioned my own podcast on ‘gospel in Paul’, and introduced me as ‘the biblioblogosphere’s own worship chorus lyricist of power’!

Roll over Wesley, Matt Redman, etc, Apostle Chris So-Prophetic-You’re-Just-Jealous Tilling is here.

Funnily enough I have an official ‘no Christian rock music’ policy in this house. Can’t stand the stuff; if I listen for even a few minutes I’ve already finished tying a noose to the ceiling, and I’m busy looking for a stool to stand on.

Be sure to read through Rick’s post here.


Chris Tilling said...

Unless the Christian rock happens to be that of Volker Rabens, of course.


Ben Myers said...

I'm with you, Chris: I am very committed to boycotting the Christian music industry.

Give me three minutes of Christian radio, and I'm ready to convert to any other religion under the sun....

Mowens said...

Somehow it helps me to know that it is not only american Christian radio that is absolutely pathetic.

guy davies (exiled preacher) said...

Christian rock so doesn't rock!

Chris Tilling said...

perhaps we should start a new blogsite?:

Chris Tilling said...

Or perhaps start a charity. Subscribers could 'adopt a Christian rock musician' for just a small sum per month, with which we could organise some 'accidents' to happen - involving sharp metal objects and knecks, or bullets and heads. Just an idea.

Boy, I hope Anja doesn't read these comments!

Ben Myers said...

Exiled preacher: I'm delighted that you and I are finally able to agree wholeheartedly about something! We have Christian rock to thank for this significant ecumenical achievement. ;-)

Chris Tilling said...

Good point, Ben, something good has come of Christian rock, then.

Still like my charity idea. Could advertise it like this:

"For a love-donation of just 50 dollars per month you can organise to have 1 or even 2 Christian rock musicians skinned alive"

Guy Davies (aka exiled preacher) said...

Don't get too carried away, Ben. I don't know who that scaredy cat anonymous Dylan disser was on your blog. But I agree with the bloke. Dylan so can't sing! Hang on, how do I know that it was a bloke?

C. Stirling Bartholomew said...

Now at last something I can agree on with both Ben an Chris!

The young woman who has the philosophy blog was talking a while back about a WTS prof who was a Jazz pianist. I wish someone would provide a link to some mp3 files of his performances. As a former Jazz aficionado (Brubeck, MJQ, Keith Jarrett, Thelonious Monk ...) I would like to hear how a reformed scholar plays jazz piano. The whole concept of Calvin and Jazz seems so incongruous.
