Friday, March 03, 2006


So, I decided not to go to Basel this weekend. Another time.

However, myself, Anja and our friend, Susi, went to Stuttgart yesterday - they to the Staatsgalerie while I checked out an Antiquarian that specialises in theological books. Nice selection, but way too expensive.

I was however pleased to pick up one of my favourite Old Testament theologies for a good price, especially as it is bound up so closely, believe it or not, with my own thesis. The book in question, the hard to find:

Th. C. Vriezen’s, An Outline of Old Testament Theology.

It’s an absolute treasure, and none other than Eichrodt spoke most highly of it. Here are a few excerpts:

“... the Old Testament is not a theology book ... Yet this does not mean that there are no theological main lines of thought ... If we wish to build up an Old Testament theology, the best plan would be to start by examining the fundamental structure of the knowledge of God as it finds expression in the many testimonies” (p. 153)

“All Old Testament teaching rests ... on the certainty of the communion between the Holy God and man, a belief founded on the intercourse between Yahweh and Israel experienced in the history of revelation’ (p. 176)

“the Old Testament always presupposes a positive relation of God to the world: there is no contrast but, fundamentally from God’s point of view, only a relationship of communion” (p. 202)


Jim said...

Yes indeed- I read V. for the first time for an OT Theology course way back when. It was on the reserved booklist at the library and I enjoyed it tremendously. My copy sits on the shelf next to von Rad.

When the Stuttgart bookfair rolls around you must go!

Chris Tilling said...

Yep, mine sits next to von Rad too.

I must confess my ignorance - I've never heard of this book fair. What have you heard about it?