Saturday, April 01, 2006

Truly breaking news

My dear friend Alex has just pointed out a SUPERB internet resource to me:

TIMMS, Tübingen Internet Multimedia Server.

There are numerous Küng videos to watch, e.g., the original lecture series upon which Der Anfang aller Dinge is based, a discussion with Tony Blair, Kofi Annan and much more! Fantastic!!

And, I’ve just found a Moltmann lecture too: Messianische und apokalyptische Katastrophentheologie - T.S Eliot: In my end is my beginning

This is for real, no April Fool.

Absolutely awesome! Enjoy!

Plus, I've finally responded to some of your comments on my earlier inerrancy posts.


NathanColquhoun said...

Great posts on biblical inerrancy.
I also wrote a string of posts that seemed to have raised as much discussion as yours. We write in different styles and approach it differently, so you may be interested.

NathanColquhoun said...

Chris Tilling said...

Many thanks, I'll go have a look at your posts.