Saturday, May 13, 2006

More Books

OK, so I couldn’t resist it.

I went ahead and purchased Jüngel’s 4 volume series of sermons from the second hand book shop after all. And it’s great stuff!

While I was at it, I picked up a dirt cheap second hand copy of Pannenberg’s Grundzüge der Christologie



Shane Clifton said...

Chris - i know this is a bit weird - but i thought i'd reply on your blog to a reply you made on my blog (if that makes sense). You said, "I wonder, do you think there is any positive point in discussing evolution when, as you say, it is so entrenched as an anti-Christian view? Should it just be avoided? Can it be done constructively?"

I definately think there is a point - not only for the purposes of ecology (the very same science that gives us the theory of evolution also informs us about the environmental crises, as well as its potential solution, so environmentally concerned Christians at least need to learn to engage with sciences), but because we need our theology to be contextually relevant. It seems to me that it is unhelpful to create a potentially unecessary fight with scientists, one that actually makes the gospel difficult to proclaim in contemporary society. It also seems likely that, were we not taking an attacking/defensive stance, we might actually learn something from contemporary science which could enhance our understanding of God as creator (as indicated by your review of Kung).

Having said this, why did i try to dodge the discussion on my blog (and post my reply on yours)? The answer is pedagogical. To move someone from point A to point B is easy enough (even a blog can facilitate it!). But to move someone from point A to point Z is much more difficult - and ultimately takes time and relationship. So, i try my best as a theologian not to alienate people, as such an approach is often not constructive.

On "Pentcostal Discussions" i write as a member of faculty, and represent a conservative constituency - hence my avoiding the discussion in that context (my goal was to encourage concern for the environment - not enter a heated debate - see my earlier discussion on rules of engagement). In another setting however, one in which relationship is established, we are in a position to discuss contraversial issues - and in such a situation of real dialogue, the overcoming of entrenched views is possible.

Hope this makes sense.

Chris Tilling said...

Hi Shane,
Thanks for this post. Yes, you made total sense, and I appreciate your approach very much. It is an issue that needs to be handled very wisely.
ALl the best,
Chris (btw, I've working on these question right now as I finish of my review of Küng's book, so it was simply on my mind).

C. Stirling Bartholomew said...

Here is a nice quote from Michael V. Fox

"... and thank God I'm not a theologian."

Chris Tilling said...

Thanks for the interesting link, Clay