Friday, June 02, 2006

Truth hurts

Sean the Baptist tells it as it is!


Volker said...

Perhaps I should take offers from people like Sean Winter for volunteering to break into your house, Chris, and steel the CD for them... Well, I'd say I'll take offers starting from 70% of the price of the CD at an ordinary bookshop. Serious offers to (-:

Chris Tilling said...


john mcbryde said...

Boy, some guys are just Blessed by GOD. First, Jim sends you all those nice books. (Is he your grandfather or something?)

Then you're inducted into The Illustrious Theologians Hall of Fame. Although, I personally think it was a travesty of justice, that they placed you at the very bottom.

And now Bauckham sends you his book for free, months before anyone else can "buy" a copy!

What could possibly be next? :-)


Chris Tilling said...

Well John, there is more - but I'll shut up before I loose all my friends!