Wednesday, August 30, 2006

"Glaubenskrieg" bei ARTE

Yet another critical inquiry into European Fundamentalism will hit the TV screens in September, with reports on expected themes such as evolution and demonic deliverance ministry.


David Wilkerson said...

Your article via Babelfish:

"In England believe only 48 per cent of the population in the evolution, in Germany still 61 per cent."

Though based on bad notions of science, it is heartening to see a stubborn persistence to disbelieve evolution. Despite the decline of the church in Europe, it hints at a reluctance to let go of religious conceptions of human nature despite a broader secularity.

Of course in America the problem is entirely different and the rejection of evolution is evidence mostly of a religious pathology.

Chris Tilling said...

Hi David,
Good point.
To be honest I'm suprised by this stat. My feeling is that England is far more secularised than Germany. But then again I live in South Germany, and that is a different story from the North.

Volker said...

It is absolutely disappointing that both this TV documentation as well as the last ones use the designation "evangelical" interchangeably with "fundamentalist". The authors present evangelicalism as a more or less violent group, because they only discuss minority fundamentalist sects in their programm, but they always speak about "the evangelicals". A very bad piece of journalism with a clearly political/religious agenda.

Chris Tilling said...

Hi Volker, Yes I find this identification annoying, not that is suprises me.
Bis später! I also need to go to the library to do some copying. Wanna come?