*Bursts into tears again*
Today I offer something a little more light-hearted. Earlier this afternoon I uploaded the short video clip below to youtube. Admittedly, as shall become clear, I’m being a bit sneaky, but can you guess the identity of the biblical scholar giving the lecture?
The first to answer correctly will receive a free subscription to the Chris Tilling For President/Pope Fan Club, together with the free membership badge, pen, T-Shirt, bedroom poster (of me in a leotard), a signed copy of my autobiography (How to be Like Me and Why It’s Important) and the most recent newsletter with information about my upcoming lecturing tours, Chinese Burn self defence lessons and details about how you can generously financially support Chris Tilling Really Very Holy Ministries so that you don’t end up in hell. You know you want to win.
Or click http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Mv-ivuh460.
Oh, I forgot to mention:
If anyone guesses wrong they need to make an online donation to CTRVHM pronto (at least $10).
Sorry, CP, but that means you have to cough up the cash.
I dunno, he's talking some kind of foreign. I reckon you should pay £10 to my TULIP* Fund for being so sneaky.
Well, the face is very blurry. Peter Stuhlmacher?
Guy, for that cheek: 20 pounds.
MWW, that was a good suggestion, but sadly wrong (cf. my response to Curious Presb)
Sorry, mannerisms!
His German doesn't sound native, so I'm guessing it is someone from the UK. William Horbury perhaps? He has similar manerisms nonetheless.
CP, that's now $20 you owe me.
But, I am glad to announce that we have a winner! (see main blog page)
Do I owe you $10 U.S. or 10 Eurodollars? Not that my wife will let me pay when you didn't mention monetary penalties until the comments! Maybe Jim West is right about your demonic nature. :-)
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