Monday, May 28, 2007

Ad Hominem for the day

My blog, Chrisendom, is getting into trouble again.

Thomas Ice, Executive Director of the Pre-Trib Research Center in Wash. D.C, slanders Chrisendom as 'anti-semitic'!

Sort of.

(Cf. the second major subheading on this page)


mike said...

I didn't know you were that old...

Jim said...

I think what I said about the witless dolt's in the post above applies here too.

For some reason your blog is an idiot magnet (in that it attracts a lot of attention from the witless). I think it's because they are offended when their idiocy is pointed out so clearly.

After all, the one thing the devil can't stand is mocking.

Ben Myers said...

That's priceless! (This guy is such a good speller that he must be one of them book lerners....)

Roberto said...

Wow. Just that one of the headings is "The Road to Holocaust" speaks volumes.

Chris Tilling said...

"For some reason your blog is an idiot magnet"

No comment!

Glenn said...

This is just too funny! Someone needs to help Mr. Ice. =)