Monday, September 10, 2007

Podcast: Jesus Camp

A little while ago I recorded a podcast review of the film Jesus Camp for a course on Film and Theology at Southern Cross College, a Pentecostal Bible College in Sydney, Australia.

My effort at a reflection on the film can be found here

The blog of the friendly college staff (which I mentioned previously here), is located at Do give it a look. That Shane Clifton speaks a lot of sense and he is an encouragement for those of us who struggle with aspects of our Pentecostal/Charismatic roots.


Shane Clifton said...

Hey chris - thanks again for the great review. All my students enjoyed it (and i think, the various non-students listening to the podcast did also). I also have a couple of German students who are very keen to meet you when they head back home, and i have suggested they give you an email.

Mitch said...

Hi Chris,

Thank you for your insightful review of Jesus Camp, you can guest lecture for us anytime! :-)

Regards from Sydney,
Mitchell Bailey