Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Quote of the day: First century sleaze

"Now the most excellent five were of this character, they related to the monarchial principle on which the world is governed; to images and statues, and in short to all erections of any kind made by hand"

(Philo, Decalogue 51 - transl. de Yonge, C., The works of Philo : Complete and unabridged Peabody: Hendrickson, 1995, p. 522)

Too much information, Philo. Too much information.


Jim said...

.... um.... methinks thou hast misunderstood....

byron smith said...

Methinks Philo knew all about allegorical, literal, spiritual and all others kinds of readings and multiple meanings. The dirty old man meant every word!

Ken Schenck said...

You never cease to amaze me... and to think I thought I could deconstruct others' words.

Rev Tony B said...

So when they talk about "doing stand-up comedy," what's all that about?

Chris Tilling said...

Right, Byron, he knew. Jim, you need to know that Byron, Ken, Tony and I all see it.

Tony. REV???? You shouldn't find this funny!! And that joke is TOTALLY inappropriate for a Rev!

michele said...

Wow! This is a great example of reading a modern meaning into a word, I think I'll bookmark it and use it sometime (a negative example of course :-)

Rev Tony B said...

Yeah... So should I be penitent, or just say I'm being incarnationally involved in my context?