We had a delightful meal tonight here. Swabian cuisine at its best. If you are ever in the Tübingen area and want to experience local traditional dishes, that is the place to visit.
And for the first time ever I home roasted some fresh green coffee beans. What a glorious cup of coffee they made. The first picture is of the Ethiopian raw Mokka beans. I'm grateful that the local coffee shop imports them for a few African immigrants living in the area (they've come out a bit blue in this picture for some reason??)
The second picture is taken after about 10 minutes of roasting, together with some of the freshly grounded coffee powder. I wish you could smell it through the internet as it has a heavenly aroma.
For an interesting aside on coffee and official papal activities, have a read of this. One of the points notes: 'Dervishes--mystic devotees of Islam's Sufi sect--consumed coffee at all-night ceremonies as fuel for achieving religious ecstasy'. Funny: I use coffee as fuel for achieving decent exegesis after I've woken up, when I'm so tired I can't even remember my own name.
was ich neicht geben würde, für ein teller kässchpätzle, vielleicht sogar mit maultaschen, mit (das gesundste) wurstsalat!
bin sehr neidig (vor allem wiel ich noch kein schwäbishes restauranten in Sydney gufunden habe)
hört sich serh lecker an
I will put the Wurstkueche on my list of places to visit in May.
A couple years ago our daughter was working on an organic coffee farm in Kona, and we went to visit. We picked "cherries" for one day to earn our keep, and watched the processing.
It gives me an appreciation of good coffee.
I was seeing visitors to my site from here. Thanks for the link!
Enjoy Tübingen, Mark!
Hey psychodougie, lecker ist es. Du sollst neidig sein! Wieso sprichst du Deutsch? Did you learn it at school, or because of theology?
You haven't done it right until you have experienced the entire beautiful ceremony in an Ethiopian home. My wife and I had the pleasure of partaking a decade ago during Timkat in Addis Ababa. Fresh bread loaves, palm leaves on the ground, everyone dressed in white and seated in a circle on very short benches. The beans are roasted in the middle of the living room over the aroma of fresh bread. Then we sip coffee and talk. It was about a two hour ceremony at tea time for the UK. Always humbling when people who have so little give so much. Asdanaqi.
I think I went there. Are all the waiters Italien? It was during the European cup. Very good Spätzle.
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