Wednesday, February 20, 2008

From Jim West

It is with a heavy heart that I write these introductory sentences. Jim West, whose blog was deleted yesterday by malicious hackers, has asked me to post the following:

“I want to thank all those who have dropped me a line or posted on their own blog words of encouragement and urging continuation. I'm appreciative and even (potentially) a bit humbled (ah but that's already passed, thankfully- what a wretched feeling that humility nonsense is).

While I appreciate your sentiments, I don't think I'll re-enter the fray. I'll post from time to time on and occasionally on (both of which are 'group' blogs); and of course I'll remain active on the biblical studies list- but at present I don't imagine I'll launch another private blog. I think I'll just let the vacuum caused by my absence naturally fill with newer, better, and more adorably oriented biblioblogs, and focus on my printed works aimed at church folk.

With all my denunciations of total depravity and my constant assertions concerning the reality of Divine Providence, it would be hypocritical were I surprised to be the victim of the one and the servant of the other. Perhaps this 'closed door' is best after all.

Receive all my best wishes, biblioblogging brothers (and I think 1 or 2 sisters), as you carry on the work. It's yours now. Do well.”


Ben Myers said...

Is this for real? Deleted by hackers? No more blogging from Jim West? Egad! What is the world coming to...?

Edmund said...

Have any tried to contact and see if they can restore Jim's blog mysql tables? If they do have backups, it is a rather simple task to restore.

On the other hand, it is really hard to imagine the blogging world with Jim.....

steph said...

No offence Chris but IMHO Jim's is the main blog. Everything else revolves around his blog, and is even held to account by it. And it's often funny. I suppose I'll give up looking at blogs without Jim's at the centre. I just hope he changes his mind.

Greg Terry said...

No!!! It can't be. I noticed last night that Dr. Jim's blog was missing. There are 3 biblioblogs I view every day: Chris Tilling's, J. Mark Bertrand's Bible Design & Binding, and Dr. Jim's. Dr. Jim has always been insightful and frequently entertaining as well. I wish there was something that could be done to change his mind. Please don't give in to evil-handedness of one individual Dr. Jim!

Charles Augustine Rivera said...

Jim West was always my first stop when I made the rounds of biblioblogs. Who will provide us all with little bits of Zwinglian biography now? He will be greatly missed.

Robert R. Cargill said...

now who will criticize me for being emergent? where will get my daily dose of vitamin zwingli? where will i get my fix of blasting chrises heard and tilling? sigh. next you'll probably tell me that there's a lunar eclipse tonight or something... miss ya jim. i'll catch you on facebook if they don't resurrect the wordpress blog.

Jimmy said...

how can get him to return? Please let him know that too many of us enjoy and use his blog.

Steven Harris said...

That's terrible. Jim's blog was one of my favourites, I can't believe someone erased it!

The blogging world will be poorer for Jim's blogging demise.

Anonymous said...

Well done Jim, get on with real life. As we all know, in a couple of weeks, it'll be 'who was Jim West, ThD, anyway?' It is not as if we actually want the archives for their intellectual rigour!

Karl Schmidtke

Jim said...

Oh now that I read 'karls' witty putrification- i'm pleased i've re-started.

Michael Barber said...

This is extremely sad news. We will definitely miss his blog--which made a wonderful contribution to the biblioblog community. God bless you, Jim!

Looney said...

I thought I remember Jim saying something about him only giving up his blog when someone pries it out of his cold, dead hand. It is probably a good example for us all.