Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Happy 80th Birthday Hans Küng!

Today, the 19th of March 2008, marks the 80th birthday of the great Swiss Catholic theologian, Hans Küng. I extend my warmest online blessings to him.

As a small birthday gesture, I put a copy of my recent article in his post-box: Chris Tilling, "Engaging Science in the Mode of Trust: Hans Küng's 'The Beginning of All Things'." Zygon 43, no. 1 (March 2008): 195–210.

He closed his On Being a Christian, with the following words:

'By following Jesus Christ,
people in the world of today
can live, act, suffer and die
in a truly human way;
in happiness and unhappiness, life and death,
sustained by God and helpful to fellow men and women'

Here is a hearty Danke to 80 years of being sustained by God.


Pastor Bob Cornwall said...


Thanks for the post. Another generation is nearing its end. I remember hearing him for the first time in 1982 in Claremont. I would hear him once again, the second time I believe was right after he was removed from his position as an official Catholic teacher.

Ben Myers said...

Hey, I hadn't spotted your essay yet -- well done, mate!

Mark Stevens said...

Fancy that! I bought his book "On Being a Christian" yesterday from a little second hand book shop here in Adelaide. It was previously owned by a Arch Bishop. I couldn't help but think if he read it and took some of what it said on board he may have ended his time more positively!

Anonymous said...

Wrinkles really do add character to a face