Thursday, August 28, 2008

Happy Birthday Jim West!

Yes, that most prolific, controversial and Zwinglialtrous of authors, the Bultmannaphile Jim West, celebrates his birthday tomorrow. Unfortunately, I will be on the road all day so cannot mark the occasion on the proper date, plus I need to write this straightaway before I pack the computer into a box. So here is a raised glass to my good friend, the king on the chessboard of biblioblogs, the 'main man' on the floor at SOTS. To be remarkably inventive: may you live long and prosper. Let's face it, life would be a duller matter without Jim's blog, not to mention our regular conversations on MSN Messenger.

But now that I have gone out of character and publically been nice toward the man, expect the worst from my keyboard for the next few months.


Jim said...

well thankya!

now we must move on past this sort of kindness or people will begin spewing.


:mic said...


Jim said...

ah sweet oblivion and anonymity. fantastico!

Andrew P Bourne said...

Chris Oh Chris I am pining for your blog where are you what will Jim West do without you but read more Zwingli for his mental health I implore you Chris return to blogosphere