Saturday, October 11, 2008

Your collective wisdom

Do any of my readers have any thoughts - any at all - on James K. Mead, Biblical Theology: Issues, Methods, and Themes (London: Westminster John Knox Press, 2007)? I ask as I am about to start it, yet I must admit that I have no acquaintance with any of his works, and no idea about this book.


Cliff Martin said...

I read this post on my blog-roll and stopped after the first eleven words. Hmmm.

Michael F. Bird said...

Dunn had a pretty critical review of it in RBL. I'll be posting a blog review of it next Saturday.

Hope the new job is going well!

TJ said...

No, Mr.Tillinsch, I don't have any thoughts on James K. Mead, Biblical Theology: Issues, Methods, and Themes (London: Westminster John Knox Press, 2007) Sorry!

Phil Sumpter said...

Does he like Childs? Is he aware of his work? Does he quote him positively?

Chris Tilling said...

Thanks, Mike, I will look for Dunn's and look forward to yours

TJ - that stand for 'Total Joker'? :-p

I hope not! But yes, I think so a little bit.

Phil Sumpter said...

Well, then I guess he's a little bit OK ;)

I hope you post insightful quotes.

P.S. It has occured to me that people reading my comments my get the impression that my Childsamania is totally serious. So just to make clear: I am exagerating. Well, just a little bit.