Friday, February 13, 2009

Richard Bauckham to visit St Paul’s Theological Centre

Tomorrow morning actually, to lecture on the book of Revelation at our School of Theology Bible Track. I'm hoping that his lecture will finally clear up the obviously pressing question as to whether the 666 of Rev. 13:8 is really related to Obama or not. Numerologists often link the number 6 to the letter 'O', and bama is Hebrew for 'high places' – associated with all kinds of sin in the OT. So perhaps we have here already sufficient ground for concern ... (that is my careful exegetical observation for the day) Probably the most learned scholar of early Christianity in the whole world, I have the honour of introducing Bauckham and taking him out to lunch. So I'll see if I can get someone to take the compulsory picture of me grinning next to him!


Brian said...

I just finished his "Bible and Mission: Christian Witness in a Postmodern World". Nice little book.

James said...

If I bring a camera, can I come to the lecture!?

steph said...

I hope Bauckham appreciates the honour of being photographed beside you. :-)

David said...

It might be of some interest to you that my cabalistic research has revealed the following: the sum of digits of the name BARACK (B=2, A=1 and so on) is 36. 36 equals 6 times 6. Now look at that! Three times the digit 6, whereas the digit 3 clearly indicates that the person in question is married and father of two children. Do I have to tell more?

Brian said...

well, after Obama's stammering performance at his last press conference - no way - no way can he be the anti-christ - no way - all said in jest of course.

JohnO said...

Is the lecture going to be recorded and offered for mass consumption :) Please?