Saturday, April 18, 2009

A memorable thesis typo

I'm glad Anja picked this one up!

It was argued that the singleness (πλότητος) and the language of one husband indicated the necessary 'unswerving commitment' of the Christian to Christ, or, as Harris put it, of the 'singleness of mind and purpose that finds expression for Christians in an exclusive preoccupation with pleasing Chris' !!

Sadly, having checked Harris' book, the mistake was mine. That would have made an amusing 'sic'!


steph said...

are you really the Messiah???

No, you're just a naughty little boy :-)

Ben Myers said...

"An exclusive preoccupation with pleasing Chris" — since Anja identified this as a mistake, I guess that means she's not going to adopt it as her personal mission statement? Ah well, too bad for you...

Judy Redman said...

You have no idea how often I type "Christ" when I mean to type "Chris". Clearly the two words are totally interchangeable at the fingers of a typist, even if not in the minds of your average reader. :-)

steph said...

I've seen a biblioblogger or two who have you on their blogroll as christendom so I'm not surprised you have an identity crisis...

MrsOlivia said...

It's amazing what that one missing letter does to the sentence! It just makes all the effort of proof reading worth it.

Chris Tilling said...

Steph, I wouldn't disagree with you there!

Ben, thanks for pointing that out. I think this calls for some marriage counselling to get her back on track.

Olivia, I had a sentence, when speaking of Lessing's "great ugly ditch", where I had typed a "u" instead of an "i" in ditch (they are next to each other on the keyboard!) - not sure the dutch would have appreicated that, though.