Thursday, November 19, 2009

Off to SBL

And I'm looking forward to getting up to no good.

I will land at Louis Armstrong International, New Orleans, 15:52 tomorrow. If anyone is around at that time and wants to catch a Taxi to Sheraton Hotel, perhaps we could go together.

To recognise me: I'll be the chap standing on chairs preaching in public, telling people to turn from the wickedness of Jazz to the righteousness of tamborines and popular Christian Rock.


steph said...

I'll be floating round the lobby frightening formal suits with rainbows and other gods. I'll look out for the whacko fundy ;-)

steph said...

or I'll be in 1111

Sean Winter said...

Chris, we must meet up. Will Jim let you come out for a beer or 10? Perhaps hook up at a reception (Wabash usually has a free bar).
