Thursday, August 28, 2008

Driving to the UK

Tomorrow we set off to London loaded with more books than the suspension of most Vans can carry, a large dollop of heaviness of heart at the countryside, friends and family I am leaving, and a huge serving of excitement about the new St Mellitus post, seeing my family again and all of the new friends I hope to make (yes, please be my friend – I pay good rates).

If you are the praying sort, do think of us driving from Tübingen to London tomorrow.


Eleanor Burne-Jones said...

Wishing you every blessing on your move!

Judy Redman said...

Yep. You, Anja and the books are in my thoughts and prayers. You have no idea how weird the concept of driving to another country is to an Australian. Especially from Europe to England under the ocean.

BTW, the verification word they want me to type is zwingmpm. Help. Jim West has gotten into my computer!!!

steph said...

May the Good Lord protect you both and any stray cats. See you in England!

One of Freedom said...

Praying bro. Have a great trip. You know if you wanted to lighten your load you could have just mailed your books to me. :-)

many blessings!

Jim said...

exciting times indeed! let anja drive. she has that german precision you so sadly lack. so please, for your sake, hers, your books, other travelers, and the future of your school, let her drive!

see ya in london!!!

Scott Bailey said...

If you pay me these good rates that you speak of, then as your dear and close friend I will throw a word in with the Big Guy for ya'.

Terry said...

Doh! The above comment was mine.

Anonymous said...

Finally, the prodigal comes home. As does Chris.

Rev Tony B said...

Gute Reise! Welcome back - we have a wonderful summer just waiting for you. Yes, that's right - a brief spell of sunshine (after weeks of grey) and then thunderstoms forecast for London for Sunday. See - we even lay on the fireworks!

Phil Sumpter said...

All the best for your journey Christ. You'll be in my prayers, not just for the journey but also for your new post, and not just for your career development but for your contribution to kingdom of God.

Phil Sumpter said...

I meant "Chris," not "Christ." That would be expecting a bit too much of your theological contribution!