Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Shed a few tears

I'm standing just a week or two before moving back to England, so today I took the last of my Tübingen library books back to the library (I had over 150 out at once for a while)

It was tough parting with those guys – been with me for years. I stuck my bottom lip out at the lady who scanned my books in to try to make her feel guilty, hoping she would say 'aw, go on then, take this one as a gift for your faithful use of our library for 6 years'.

But no. All I got was a flippin nod. And so all my beloveds were left behind on the book cart, no doubt as distraught as me.

I took the opportunity to run a few cats over on the way home to calm my nerves.

But to cheer me up, the storm we had today made for perfect conditions for a few drive-by-baptisms. What made it particularly sweet was that David, my passenger, is a Latin language expert, so he (while I was concentrating on covering the baptismal candidates with an anointed wave of muddy street water) could lean out the window and perform the necessary liturgy in Latin (in nomine Patris... etc) – which makes it even more holy, of course. Today's candidates seemd to get particulaly excited - waving their hands all over the place, jumping up and down. Veritably Florida-like in its charismatic effects.

But my blatant lying aside, I will seriously miss Tübingen library. Perhaps it is the world's best theology resource.


Jim said...

you're english???????

Scott Bailey said...

you're christian???????

Drew said...

150 at once? It's chaps like you that piss off all the poor M.Div students trying to write a 5 page paper on the Deuteronomic History where that one book you need to tighten the argument is in some doctoral students' study never to be found again. I mean, hypothetically of course.

The Princeton Seminary library is pretty kickin' too. Not that that means anything at all. It just is.

I think you might have an "unhealthy emotional relationship" to the library.

Judy Redman said...

I do hope the good citizens of Tübingen are properly distraught at the loss of the founder CTRVHM and their opportunities for the rich blessings of drive-by baptisms, although it sounds as though you are leaving the work in good hands with David. I imagine there will be huge crowds at the train station to see you on your way, as upset at your leaving as you were at parting from your books.

Best wishes for the move

nelson moore said...

You read books?????

steph said...

may rats and mice run rampant in your house!!

Chris Tilling said...

Steph, that has to be the nicest comment any one has ever left me!

Jim, Scott, Nelson, Drew, consider yourselves reprimanded

Thank you, though, for your nice comment, Judy!

steph said...

rats and mice the nicest comment? Is that why you are a cat murderer?!:-)

Terry said...

Surely Chrisendom is the world's best theology resource?

David said...

left without the brilliant oportunity of your Audi A4 drive-by baptism, I have come to spread Christianity by ducking Tübingen tourists in Neckar river. To be honest, the old way was more reliable. For one lady I had to change the liturgy to 'In paradisum te deducant angeli' when I got her out of the water just a few minutes later.