Friday, October 13, 2006

Moltmann presents Weiter Raum

For those of you who live anywhere is the vicinity of Tübingen, this coming Tuesday, at 8 pm, in the Stadtmuseum (Kornhausstraße 10), Jürgen Moltmann will be giving a rendition from his new autobiography, Weiter Raum (mentioned previously here). I’ll take my wife’s new digital camera and make a few snaps, and perhaps even a video.


One of Freedom said...

You love taunting me don't you? Well I still have my autographed copy of In the End - The Beginning, so there.


Chris Tilling said...

In answer to your question: Yes.

Dan Morehead said...

Im Ende - Der Anfang!

Dan Morehead said...

Thanks for the heads up. I won't be there, but am talking with my advisor about maybe spending a term at Tubingen. Perhaps next fall.

Chris Tilling said...

Hi Dan, let me know if you end up coming here - I'll give you a tour

Dan Morehead said...

Sweet dude. Will do.